Considering that fruit cup or what was the fruit cup was the only thing I ate for lunch 2day I decided to use this time to give more information about myself since @thenu_aericaO_o (thats twitter) thinks I need a bio. Well where should I start? I live in Baltimore (not the greatest city but its home) and after a brief time of independent dwelling, I currently live with my peoples. (Ill go into my independent living stories later) I work at a bank (not giving no specifics cuz some niggaz crazy) and I graduated in 2007. (oh seven!!) Went to college, well three of them and then decided I was finished at least for this semester #kanyeshrug In terms of siblings I have a lor (how we say lil in baltimore) brova (how we say brother in baltimore) and an older sister. Im closer to my brova cuz my sis petty...Ill go n2 y later. Not really sure what else u wanna know. If u have questions feel free to comment. Almost famous if you don't think so why you here?
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