Fuck a Boss (Im a Boss Cover)

For You- (My Power Cover)

An Update

I haven't posted anything in a long time on account of personal issues but I am back to update my fans on my status on the road to stardom. Recently, I have aligned with a fellow Baltimore artist, Lord Baltimore and joined LBMG (Lord Baltimore Music Group). Currently the roster includes myself, Lord Baltimore and a singer named Brooke Love.(Links listed on the bottom) So far its been a good move and am excited on helping the team get better and progress. In terms of projects, I am working on a mixtape entitled "The Preview" and its pretty much done but I am thinking of holding back the release in order to add more tracks. Also, its not up to the standard I believe it can be. I care about how my music is presented. Furthermore, I appreciate everyone who listens to my music and as a result will never release anything not worth supporting. I have two upcoming shows (details on the left) and will update how it goes, hopefully with a video. In closing, I wanted to thank everyone reading this and those listening to my music. I'm almost famous, if you don't think so why are you here?